Painting is a Pleasure

Anyone with a desire to paint can enjoy the experience, 
all one needs are a few paints, brushes and something to paint on, 
but to paint as a realist artist one must develop
an eye for colour, detail and proportion.

Studio Painting

Plein-aire — painting out of doors

Sketching & Drawing

Like to try your hand?

Have you ever wished you knew someone that could help with your painting without having to sign up for art lessons in a classroom setting?

Would you like someone to show you the hows and the whys of drawing and painting and yet maintain your own artistic personality?

Would you like help on  your own projects rather than be one of many in a class all working on the same thing and trying to paint in the style of the instructor? 

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions then perhaps you’d like to take some lessons with Tim.

He will help you achieve your drawing and painting goals… one to one or with a friend. You choose the medium, the subject and you decide what areas you want help with.

If you are new to drawing and painting, Tim will help you get started off on the right foot.

All serious individuals welcome