Timothy G. Hill
Sharing the experience
Tim is a realist painter working in acrylics, graphite and oils. He is inspired by the intimacy of small details every bit as much as grand vistas. The play of light over a moss-covered log along a woodland portage or the ethereal beauty of a silent northern lake as the sun burns off early morning mists… experiences he loves to share through his art.
Born in Orillia, Ontario in 1946, Tim has, from earliest memory, messed about with pencils and paints. His passion for art, tempered by the practicality of making a living, led him to a 36 year career in the graphic arts field as a designer and advertising/promotions professional. For 23 of those years he and artist wife Carol lived and raised their children in Aurora. Now, as a full-time fine artist, Tim and Carol make their home in Innisfil, Ontario.
To his knowledge, there has never been a practising artist in his family. However, his craftsmanship, work ethic and love of the natural world may well be inherited traits. Most family members were outdoor enthusiasts, all were hard working and detail oriented. His grandfather was, among other things, a master carpenter, boat builder and consummate perfectionist. Following that tradition and many years involvement with the Canadian Scouting movement has greatly influenced his abiding love and deep concern for the well-being of our world’s wild places.
It’s no surprise then, to learn that Tim designed and built the traditional cedar/canvas canoe and constructed the “Mason” tent he uses when exploring and sketching the interior reaches of Algonquin Park and the remote lakes and white water rivers of northern Ontario and Quebec.
A Robert Bateman exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum was the catalyst that started Tim painting seriously. He also has great admiration for the works of Tom Thomson, Group of Seven, N.C. and Andrew Wyeth, Norman Rockwell, Carl Rungius and of course, Robert Bateman.
Subjects that Tim finds most appealing often appear unexpectedly. Something many of us may have experienced for ourselves… momentary, fleeting, commonplace. His paintings seem to suspend time and sharpen details so we might enjoy the magic of such a moment once again. His painterly style, strategic use of colour and detail draw us into the scene leaving us with a sense of… “I’ve experienced that!”.
Professional integrity is of great concern to Tim. To create an image he must be excited by a subject. To paint it well, he must understand it intimately.
To have the viewers feel they are a part of the experience, considerable time and effort is invested in each painting, not only to portray the subject accurately but, also to evoke a sense of time and place.

Timothy G Hill
"Painting is a way of communicating my inner feelings in a manner in which I could never do with words.”

Portrait of the artist by Rick Ormond
A gift from Rick and a treasured reminder of happy times spent talking about art and life, painting styles and techniques.